After over 20 years in the corporate world working with and for organizations of all sizes I am beyond excited to now be launching this endeavor with some of my favorite women!
Starting your own business is always a little terrifying, but it helps to know that other people who are smart and outstandingly capable are in this with you. When you put that together with an average of 25 years of friendship between you and it gets even better!
My background is in recruitment and HR. I've served in most positions in that area - done my time as a Resourcer, worked my way up to HR Manager and Director of Talent Acquisition, and most things in between. I love that space, I love working with real HR professionals and all that they bring. Some of my partners here come from very different worlds. They're all talented and successful, but come from titles like "Content Director" and "Head Writer". They're creative, dynamic, and they view the world in ways that I haven't thought of before. The result is that I find myself growing every day, and learning more about "what I don't know I don't know" all the time.
Most of us get to places in our careers where we are in our comfort zone. We feel generally competent and the times between genuine epiphany or real growth get longer and longer. I was definitely in that place. Suddenly being thrust into a new environment with very different voices that I respect, admire, and freely admit are more knowledgeable than me, has changed all of that. I find myself saying "I'm not very good at that" about things that a few weeks ago I would have called a strength; not for any false sense of modesty, rather because I have a different perspective on what "good at that" looks like.
The other remarkable thing is that we are all women. That may sound obvious, but rarely have I worked in teams with more than one or two other strong women, and never somewhere with all females as decisions makers. It's very different. The atmosphere is much more honest, and relaxed. People work hard and are getting things done, but the feeling is that it's OK to need human things. I have small children that get home and expect mom at 4:30. I am totally OK with saying to the team that I have to be done by then so that I can focus on being a mom. No guilt, no eye rolling, or interrogations, just acceptance.
What changes have you seen working with women? Or friends?